Today [Today] Total Present Absent View
Student 1200 1000 200 Details...
Teachers 170 165 5 Details...
Stuffs 200 198 2 Details...
Vacant Info Total Class/ Depertment/ Field
Student 40 Click to see available possition
Teacher 7 Click to see available possition
Stuffs 3 Click to see available possition
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Message of Vice Principal

I am very pleased to know that Police Lines School and College, Rangpur is going to open a Web-site. As the Vice Principal of this institution I feel very proud and hope that the institution will go far in the field of digital system of the present world. The school has already lanched Automated Students Attendance System which has brought about a revolutionary change in students attendance. In every academic and administrative section the institution has taken gigantic steps which are helping the development of the students, teachers and all concernd. I pray to Almighty Allah for the sound continuation and continuous development of the Web-site and the institution. In the end, may peace, blessing and mercy of Almighty Allah be on all.


Md. Monzurul Islam
Asst. Prof. and Vice Principal
Police Lines School and College, Rangpur

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