Today [Today] Total Present Absent View
Student 1200 1000 200 Details...
Teachers 170 165 5 Details...
Stuffs 200 198 2 Details...
Vacant Info Total Class/ Depertment/ Field
Student 40 Click to see available possition
Teacher 7 Click to see available possition
Stuffs 3 Click to see available possition
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In fact, debate has ever got a special priority in both the school and college sections. Students are formed into different group/categories on the basis of their age/class. These group take part in Inter-House Debating Competitions. From each of these groups the most promising debates are selected and trained up for participation in competitions at the Inter-School are college level, Upazila , district and national levels.

Both the male and female students are encouraged to participate in debating competitions, and most often every group represents both boys and girls.

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